Good governance & human rights

Challenges to youth engagement in governance

In Kenya, Young people often express lower levels of trust and interest in governance and the majority of young adults have largely disengaged from formal political participation. This is clearly seen during the electioneering period by levels of voter apathy.

Meaningful involvement of young people can be achieved through formulating and implementing national youth strategies policies, Scaling up the institutional and legal framework to foster youth engagement and representation in public life at the national and county levels.In addition, Promoting innovative forms to engage young men and women in decision-making and help mainstream young people’s demands in the formulation and design of public policies and services

The theory of change

The theory of change assumes that the current situation can be addressed by the political class’ and decision makers’ ability to engage with and respond to the voice of young people at local, national, regional, and international levels. Use of available data and information garnered through research can also inform interventions by both government and non-governmental organizations.

Lastly, commitment to Good Governance Principles by duty bearers and Longevity of interventions; change in governance and youth development is a complex process that may take time to manifest fully.


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