Project Background
The Youth Participate project contributes to meaningful youth participation in socio-economic and political decision-making processes across Kenya, Zimbabwe, and Malawi.
- It does so by strengthening youth, youth organizations, and networks in voice, skills, and participation of youth in decision-making and advocating for youth-identified policy and resource priorities at national, sub-national and grassroots levels.
- The project fosters south-to-south learning—sharing of ideas, experiences, skills, resources and knowledge from one Country/partner to another.
- The project strengthens partnerships, networks, and movement systems in Kenya, Zimbabwe, and Malawi on critical issues impacting the young people; host learning events that contribute to knowledge, skill-building, local engagement, and peer-to-peer networking; and contribute innovative ideas on ways to make the platform more relevant to the select youth exchange participants and alumni networks.
During the implementation period, Youth Alive! Kenya, CYECE’s, and Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust youth council (YETT) and their respective member organizations and youth clubs have the opportunity to interact, share tools, ideas, and knowledge with each other through joint activities and exchange participants sent and hosted by each partner organization.
Project Goal
The project aims at increased youth participation in civic and development processes in Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe.
Expected Outcomes and Outputs
Expected Outcome 1 -A strong partnership that promotes regional learning, collaboration, knowledge sharing, and skills transfer.
Output 1.1: Strengthened networks, partnerships, and collaboration.
Output 1.2: Enhanced Knowledge sharing and transfer through professional exchange
Expected Outcome -Partner organizations and their Member Organizations/Clubs/Working groups have enhanced capacity to participate in decision making processes.
Output 2.1: Increased capacity building and institutional strengthening for Member Organizations/youth clubs/Working groups
Output 2.2: Improved Capacity of the coordinating partners (YAK, YETT, CYECE)
Expected Outcome 3 – Strengthened networks, movements and partnerships among member organizations/youth clubs/working groups.
Output 3.1: Enhanced knowledge sharing and skills transfer among Member Organizations/youth clubs and working groups.
Project outcome video