Project Background
The South to South 2023 project contributes to meaningful youth participation in socio-economic and political decision-making processes by strengthening youth, youth organizations, and networks in voice, skills, and participation of youth across Kenya, Zimbabwe, and Malawi in decision making and advocate for youth- identified policy and resource priorities at national, sub-national and grassroots levels.
The project continues to foster south-to-south country learning and knowledge, experiences, skills, and resource sharing from one country/partner to another.
Project objectives
- Strengthening the south-to-south partnership through joint advocacy, online and physical meetings,
- Building capacities and strengthening community-based organizations within our county-based youth networks to enhance their efforts in contributing to sustainable development.
- Strengthening county-based networks, and nurturing partnerships geared towards joint resource mobilization and advocacy initiatives.
The 2023 round project will integrates learning through exchanges among partner organizations and their Member Organizations (MOs) through volunteer and professional exchanges and minimal activities targeting member organizations to ensure continued learning, knowledge and skills sharing and transfer not only at the country level but also internally at the country national level.
Volunteer exchanges – Youth from working groups/youth clubs and partner organisations are recruited by respective partner organisations to take part in the exchanges. There are 2 slots for 2023 consisting of 12 participants; 2 from each partner organisation for each slot. Participants will be engaged in supporting the implementation of project activities.
Exchange alumni follow-up activities
Following the return of exchange participants from the exchange program, YETT, YAK and CYECE will assist the exchange alumni in carrying out follow-up activities. The follow-up activities will allow the alumni to share experiences and lessons learned during the exchange period promoting continuous learning. The exchange will also allow partner organizations to document the project’s impact and to further identify the capabilities of the exchange alumni for future engagements. Seven follow-up activities ( 6 for volunteers and 1 for the professional exchange) will be conducted for each partner organization during the project period.