Our Work with Refugees

Our Work with Refugees

Kenya hosts a large refugee population, with over 650,000 registered refugees and asylum seekers. Most reside in camps like Dadaab, which houses over 275,000 people, and Kakuma, home to more than 280,000 individuals. The majority of these refugees come from Somalia...
Our Work in The Care Sector

Our Work in The Care Sector

Care work can be both unpaid or paid, and includes: direct care of people, such as looking after a child or taking care of adults who are sick or frail; indirect care or domestic work, such as cooking and doing laundry; and supervisory care, such as looking after a...
High Impact Community Testing for COVID-19 Project

High Impact Community Testing for COVID-19 Project

Background Kenya has made great strides in the fight against COVID-19 since the first case of the disease was reported on 12th March 2020. This progress has been achieved through the collaboration of the Ministry of Health (MoH), County Governments and partners. The...
The Challenge Initiative (TCI)

The Challenge Initiative (TCI)

Background The Challenge Initiative project is implemented in Siaya with an aim of supporting high-impact interventions on increased uptake of Family Planning services and supporting county government commitments on allocations and expenditure for Family Planning and...

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